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The Staff Advisor Designate application period for 2025-2027 is currently open. The application deadline is Friday, April 11.

Applications must be submitted through the UC Staff Advisor Designate Application Form (2025-27).

For more information on the Staff Advisor role and application process, explore the Information for 2025-2027 Application Staff Advisor to the Regents.

Please have ALL your documentation ready including employment history, references, answers to questions etc., prior to starting the process, as you will not have an opportunity to save your application as a draft. You may preview questions and prepare responses via the Sample Application Form, but please note: this document will not be accepted as an application; you must apply through the UC Staff Advisor Designate Application Form (2025-27).

If you have any questions regarding the Staff Advisor application process or experience any barriers with completing the Smartsheet application form, please contact

The Role of the Staff Advisor

By bringing the staff perspective to matters coming before The Regents, the Staff Advisors place a face and a voice on a talented workforce dedicated to the continued success of the University of California. The collaborative relationship between the Staff Advisors and all UC decision-makers is one that is built on mutual respect, ensuring that members of the Board of Regents, Administration, and University staff gain a higher level of understanding, respect, and interaction.

General Guidelines for Staff Advisors to The Board of Regents

  • The newly-selected Staff Advisor Designate and Staff Advisor will attend meetings of the following Regental committees: Academic and Student Affairs, Compliance and Audit, Finance and Capital Strategies, Public Engagement and Development, Investments, and National Laboratories.
  • The Staff Advisors will attend all Open session Regents' meetings (excluding Closed and Regents Only sessions). Each year the Advisors may be asked to participate in systemwide committees/task forces, or to attend other UC events, including Regents' campus visits and Chancellor inaugurations, as well as other activities related to their role as Advisors.
  • The Staff Advisors will receive the entire Regents' agenda packet for each meeting, with the exception of Closed or Regents Only material. Other materials and Regents' mailings will be reviewed by University administration and will be provided to the Advisors as appropriate and necessary for work with their respective Committees.
  • Staff Advisors serve in non-voting, active advisory roles and are expected to offer the staff perspective on issues and concerns that come before the Board. When offering input to The Regents, it is critical that they speak on behalf of all staff, represented and policy-covered.
  • It is expected that the Staff Advisors build relationships with the members of the Board and senior leaders from Office of the President to help facilitate discussion on a variety of issues.
  • It is expected that the Staff Advisors engage with staff systemwide. Maintaining effective communications with UC staff through campus/location visits, the Staff Advisor website, and social media is critical to gaining a broad perspective on the University and the issues it is facing.
  • Service as a Staff Advisor necessitates a substantial time commitment. Candidates' supervisors will need to provide a statement of support ensuring that the applicant, if appointed, will be provided with the necessary release time to attend meetings and conduct business as required of the position. Staff Advisors will not suffer any loss of regular UC pay by virtue of service as Staff Advisor.

To learn more about eligibility, the selection criteria and selection process, see Eligibility and Selection. If you are ready to apply to be a Staff Advisor, go to the Application Process page which has the application and provides details for submitting your application.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Staff Advisor!

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